Tuesday, February 19, 2013

ADF EMG Useful Links

For new members interested in what services the ADF EMG provides beyond this Google Group, here's a quick run down:
* ADF EMG Samples Site - interested in finding a sample ADF application to show you an ADF tip?  Check out the Samples site with near 600 samples: http://bit.ly/adfemgsamples
* ADF EMG Task Flow Tester - forget writing your own test harness to test task flows, the ADF EMG has you covered with the Task Flow Tester: http://bit.ly/adfemgtaskflowtester
* ADF EMG Podcasts - got some spare time on the bus to work?  Why not listen to the ADF EMG Podcast for interviews and the latest ADF news: http://bit.ly/adfemgpodcast
* ADF EMG Issue Tracker - want to let others know about a problem you've encountered with ADF?  Lodge the issue on the Issue Tracker:http://bit.ly/adfemgissuetracker
* ADF Wiki - want a index to 100s of ADF blogs.  Check out the wiki: http://bit.ly/adfwiki
We hope you find these services helpful, and we look forward to the day when you make your valuable contribution to the ADF EMG community.