Following is the code snippt, which can be used to get segment values from the selected KFF.
///Below is the PFR Code on Save button
OAKeyFlexBean kffbean= (OAKeyFlexBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("kffID"); //Get the KFF bean
KeyFlexfield kff=(KeyFlexfield)kffbean.getAttributeValue(OAWebBeanConstants.FLEXFIELD_REFERENCE); //Getting the Reference Value
String value = kff.getSegment(1).getValue().toString(); //This returns Value object so we can just see a object
String name = kff.getSegment(1).getName(); // This returns the Segment name attached
String inputValue = kff.getSegment(1).getInputValue(); // This returns the Segment value when user gives as input
System.out.println("Value -->"+ value);
System.out.println("name -->"+ name);
System.out.println("inputValue -->"+ inputValue);