Saturday, December 29, 2012

ADF Metadata Files

ADF Metadata Files

  1. adf-settings.xml: The adf-settings.xml file keeps the UI project configurations. This file is present in the < project-root >/src/META-INF folder.
  2. faces-config.xml: The faces-config.xml file contains the configurations for a web application built using JSF. This file allows us to configure managed beans, data convertors, and validators used in the UI, navigation cases, global resource bundles, view handlers, page lifecycle phase listeners, and custom lifecycle factory implementation for the application. 
  3. adfc-config.xml: ADF Faces is built on top of the JSF with a lot of extra features, which are not covered by the core JSF. ADF Faces uses adfcconfig. xml to keep its configurations. As a Fusion developer, you should use adfc-config.xml to configure the navigation cases and managed bean definitions. To run your Fusion web application, you may need both facesconfig. xml and adfc-config.xml files—which is true even if you have not added any custom configuration entries in faces-config.xml. 
  4. trinidad-config.xml: Apache MyFaces Trinidad forms the base for the ADF Faces component set. In fact, Trinidad components earlier were ADF Faces components, which were donated to Apache Software Foundation later in the journey. By default, the generated trinidad-config.xml file contains only the skin family name. However, trinidad-config.xml can be used to override the default configurations for accessibility settings, locale settings, state management, and so on. 
  5. web.xml: The web.xml file acts as deployment descriptor for a Java-based web application. When you generate a Fusion web application by using JDeveloper, a default web.xml file with default settings will be created for you. The default entries include context parameters for configuring the runtime state of the system, security filters, data binding filters for web pages, and resource look up filters. The web.xml file also includes servlet context listeners for initializing the management and monitoring services for view and model layers. 
  6. adf-config.xml: The adf-config.xml file contains application-level settings, which manage the runtime infrastructure—such as failover behavior for the application modules, global fetch limit for all the view objects, caching of resource bundles, automated refresh of page bindings, and so on—for your application.
  7. weblogic-application.xml: This file is the WebLogic Server-specific deployment descriptor.
@above text is from : Oracle ADF Real World Guide by Jobinesh

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Integrating OAF and XML

Integrating OAF and XML is done by easily following the steps mentioned in :

One of the issue which i got is : \tmp (The system cannot find the path specified)

The solution for above issue : create a directory :   C:\tmp

and move the following file : xdo_doc_display.jsp from OA_HTML to your Jdev /OA_HTML directory

it works :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Setting the bind parameter to LOV in OAF

How to set the bind parameter to LOV in OAF

Recently i have been facing issues while binding parameters in LOV VO.

There is a small glitch while setting bind parameters in LOV

Consider the below one if you need to a set a bind parameter :

Never mention bind parameter and value, just make the whereClause and place it.

Normal way of bind and assigning values wont work.

Following is the way you need to use for LOV VO

   public void initDeptLOVVO()
    Number dno= new Number(10);
    String whereClause = "deptNo in ("+dno+")" ;
     System.out.println("executed LOV VO ");
     setWhereClause( whereClause );
     System.out.println("Dept Lov QUery-->"+getQuery() ) ; 

Saturday, November 03, 2012


OAF  attaching images

Item Style: attachmentImage

entityMap1 à Entity à’EMP_LEARNING’ (user defined entity name)

 Set viewAttribute à Empno(PK of the table EO Based One)
 Final Page

Attached Tables 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

CRUD operations on two tables

In this Post, we will discuss one of the general requirements of performing CRUD operations on two tables.
OAF page based on two update-able VO's using EO's

Consider the below scenario.

  1. Master Data is stored in : XXTMG_STRUCTURES
    1. STRUCT_ID is Primary Key
  2. Child Data is stored in : XXTMG_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTES
    1. ALLOC_ATTRIBUTE_ID is Primary Key
    2. STRUCT_ID is foreign Key
  3. XXTMG_STRUCTURES is having ONE to ONE relation ship between XXTMG_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTES
  4. Having VO based on SINGLE EO is quite simple and easy
  5. Having VO based on TWO EO objects is not  straight forward, for achieving this we need to customize the default generated methods.
  6. Following this link to achieve the above requirement :

Thursday, August 30, 2012

List of Important Websites Regarding : Oracle Apps, OAF, FMW

List of Important Websites Regarding : Oracle Apps, OAF, ADF

Oracle Applications Integration Repository :

Search engine for the official Oracle documentation.

Oracle Applications R12 Documentation :

Oracle Apps ETRM :

For Oracle WebCenter :

Oracle ADF Mobile Demo :

One of the good ADF Book :

Oracle ADF Real World Developer’s Guide : 

List of Websites Developed in ADF 
  7. Oracle ADF Public Websites :
  8. Bengaluru International Airport 
  10. SOA For HealthCare
  11. which uses fat wire and webcenter portal along with ucm and SOA/BPM

ADF  Code Samples

  1. 1.
  2. ADF Login Sample @
  3. ADF sessions @ OOW 2012 :
  4. ADF EMG Samples @

ADF EMG Samples

Learning any language through samples is easy. You can find the lot of samples and the same can be downloaded using SVN. kudos to the ADF EMG Team for providing the samples.

SVN Repository : 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

PPR On Radio Group

Steps to Create Properties View Object (PVO)
1.       Project à New ADF Business Components àView Object
2.       Specify the Name of View Object as XXTestPVO and give the corresponding package name
3.       Select Rows Populated Automatically Not Based on Query.
4.       Click Next after Step 3 , click on New and create the transient variables
5.       Create one attribute main_Attr of Type String
Select KeyAttribute ,passivate and Updatable always
6.       Create two other attributes display_rn1, display_rn2  of Type Boolean
Select Passivate and updatable always
7.       Click on Next , again Next , Select  Generate Java File , click on Next and then Finish
8.       Click on XXTestPVO and click on Tuning and select including all Transient Variables if it is not checked
9.       Now Attach it to PageAM 

Steps to implement PPR on Radio Group

1.       Create a Properties View Object (XXTestPVO) .create one Transient attribute (main_Attr) of String Type, Boolean Type Attributes as per requirement.(In Above case we created two display_rn1, display_rn2  )
2.       Since we are implementing PPR on a radiogroup item create a dummy VO
TO CREATE dummy VO Follow the below steps ;
i.                     Create a table using the following query : create table xxdummy (dummycol varchar2(30))
ii.                   Insert into xxdummy(‘abc’),insert into xxdummy(‘def’)
iii.                  Now use select dummycol from xxdummy as query and create VO , give the name as XXTestVO
iv.                 Attach it to pageAM

3.       Provide Itemname, ItemStyle, Picklist View Instance, Picklist Display Attribute , Picklist View Attribute ,Action, Event Name and parameters ,Rendered property for the item which you want to take do PPR in the Property Pallette.
     Item Name: radGrpItm
   Item Style: MessageRadioGroup
 Picklist View Instance : XXTestVO1
Picklist Display Attribute: dummycol
Picklist View Attribute: dummycol
Action type : Fire Partial Action
     Event Name : PPREvt
     Under parameters
    Name : PPRParam
    Value : ${oa. XXTestPVO1. dummycol }
   RenderedProperty: ${oa. XXTestPVO1. main_Attr }
4.       In the Page Region 1 set Rendered as ${oa. XXTestPVO1. display_rn1 }
5.       In the Page Region 2 set rendered as ${oa. XXTestPVO1.display_rn2 }

Process Request of the CO :
Process Form Request of the CO:

     //Code for PPR
     if("PPREvt ".equals(pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))
       String radioGroupValue = pageContext.getParameter("radGrpItm "); 
System.out.println("radio group value is :"+radioGroupValue);
    System.out.println("radioGroupValue is not null , going to AM method ");
    Serializable rgvS[]={radioGroupValue};
    System.out.println("serializable value of radio button passing to AM is :"+ rgvS);
    am.invokeMethod("execPPR", rgvS);
    System.out.println("back to Co after executing payePPR method in AM");


  public void initPPR ()
     System.out.println("in initPPR ---am");
     OAViewObject pvo =
     OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)findViewObject("XXTestPVO1");
     if (vo.getFetchedRowCount() == 0)
     XXTestPVORowImpl pprrow= (     XXTestPVO RowImpl)vo.createRow();
 pprrow.setAttribute("main_Attr", Boolean.TRUE);
 pprrow.setAttribute("display_rn1", Boolean.TRUE);
pprrow.setAttribute("display_rn2", Boolean.FALSE);
   public void execPPR(String param)
     System.out.println("inside execPPR method with payee name :"+ param);
      OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)findViewObject("XXTestPVO1");
     if (vo.getFetchedRowCount() == 0)
XXTestPVORowImpl pprrow= (XXTestPVORowImpl)vo.createRow();

     if ("abc’".equals(param))
      System.out.println("value is abc");
pprrow.setAttribute("main_Attr", Boolean.TRUE);
 pprrow.setAttribute("display_rn1", Boolean.TRUE);
pprrow.setAttribute("display_rn2", Boolean.FALSE);
    else  if ("def".equals(param))
        System.out.println("value is def”);
pprrow.setAttribute("main_Attr", Boolean.TRUE);
 pprrow.setAttribute("display_rn1", Boolean.FALSE);
pprrow.setAttribute("display_rn2", Boolean.TRUE);

Rekha Kasyap .

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Create a ADF(jsp) Query Page - ADF Part4

Create a ADF(jsp) Query Page - ADF Part4

Create a ADF(JSP page), to display Employee Details - ADF - P art3

Create a ADF(JSP page), to display Employee Details - ADF - P art3

Part1 - Sample ADF Page to display Hello World
Part2 --Steps to create ViewObject(VO) fro Employee Table

Right Click on the page and Click Run

Final Output After Running the page

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Creating a View Object(VO): ADF - Part2

Creating a View Object(VO): ADF - Part2

1.       Before creating a view object
Create a D/B connection as shown below
Here iam using : hr schema of Oracle Database

 Select the D/B connection by clicking Browse icion

 Name : EmployeeVO
Select : 2nd radio button : as we are building VO object to display data from Employees Table.

 Select check box for : Application Module

if you get the below error
Please follow the steps to resolve the issue.

Right Click on : AppModuleAM-- Run

How to learn ADF(Application Development Framework) ADF - Part1

How to learn ADF(Application Development Framework)
ADF - P art1
1.       Core Java à Knowing concepts of Java is enough (class, object, method, data types etc)
2.       XML à knowing about the XML structure
3.       MVC à Knowing about the architecture is recommended

Software Requirements
1.       Oracle Jdeveloper

Can download freely from Oracle website :

2.       Weblogic Server

The below sample is developed using the following Jdeveloper Version 

Hello World Program in ADF

Step1 :  Click New
 Select à Fusion Web Application (ADF)